Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Corona Virus Strikes

After reading the article about things that could possible happen as a result of the corona virus, the main thing that stuck out to me was when they said that there would be a holiday about it. It’s probably going to be a holiday that no one takes seriously though, like national girlfriend’s day, or president’s day. But in all seriousness, I don’t agree with most of the things the article said was going to happen.
            For one I don’t think people are going to stop gathering in groups, after this is over I believe that a lot is going to go back to normal. I do think there are going to be a boost in germaphobes, but people are going to think that they’re weird kind of like flat earthers. I also think that there are going to be a bunch of health codes implemented into our laws. For example in ways we handle food, I think that part is inevitable. But other than that, the article made points about how religion was going to change because people can’t gather together, and it may be because I live in a town that it hasn’t gotten into yet, but I don’t think that people are going to change how they live over this.
            The article also said that people were going to stop spending time on their phones and realize that they can make connections with people instead, and that people were going to have a greater appreciation for their family. This would be nice and all, but to me it’s a weird connection to make to the corona virus. I just don’t see it, people aren’t going to stop being lazy and antisocial. What I know for sure is that most of the things in the article won’t be true for me. I won’t stop giving handshakes, like I won’t be thinking “oh since we just had the corona virus, I shouldn’t be shaking hands”. It just won’t be a thought.
            You asked what impact it’s had on me, and like I said, since it hasn’t really hit Langford yet, it hasn’t had an impact on me other than online school. It’s basically like summer, I’ve been going to smith’s weight room every day to either run or work out, I hang out with people, and I’ve taken more hours at my job. The most appreciation I’ve gained is of school, and how much easier it is to learn when you have a teacher.
            I have learned some a lot from how people around me act, I never realized how seriously people were taking this until I went to pick up my cap and gown from the school, and I saw 3 teachers standing like 18 feet away from each other in the lunch room having a conversation. At the time I just thought it was funny, but it made me realize that people were actually doing this, and how much worse it must be in cities where people are actually packed together.
            Basically I don’t think anything major is going to change about the way people act when this is over, I do think it’s going to be a long process, and probably won’t end until sometime in 2021. But people will slowly start to go back to how things were before it started. I’ll probably have a totally different opinion once I see how people act when it hits Langford though.

Corona Virus Strikes

After reading the article about things that could possible happen as a result of the corona virus, the main thing that stuck out to me was...