Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A small electrical zap to the brain could help you retrieve a forgotten memory

Researchers at UCLA found out during an experiment that stimulating the left side of the prefrontal cortex can help you to retrieve memories. This leads them to believe that this area of the brain is responsible for accessing knowledge and making decisions about it.
The psychologists conducted their experiment on 3 groups that each contained 13 women and 11 men, whose average age was 20. Each person was shown 80 words on a computer screen, and wore a device that sent a weak electrical current to the left side of the prefrontal cortex, and then had to try and remember as many as they could.
During the first half of the study everyone was given a fake stimulation, where the researchers gave them a small stimulation but then turned off the electrical current so that there would be no effect on the person. And the psychologists noted that there were no differences between the 3 group’s results after they were given the test. For the second half of the test, the first group was given a current that excited the neurons in the prefrontal cortex, the second group was given a current that suppressed it, and the third group was given the fake stimulation.
The group who received the current that excited the prefrontal cortex scored an average of 15.4 points higher than they did when they got the fake stimulation. The group that received the fake stimulation had their scores go up by about 2 points. This showed that this technology could be used to help improve brain function in the future,

Corona Virus Strikes

After reading the article about things that could possible happen as a result of the corona virus, the main thing that stuck out to me was...